General Questions

Category: General Questions
Our initial layout is free of charge. If you wish to have a different layout, we will work with you in creating a menu design for your needs.
Category: General Questions

Mobile TV Menu allows for dynamic management and total control. Once your menu is created, items can be updated, disabled, or added on the fly.

Category: General Questions

Your plan includes on display license which will be used to display your menu on one(1) monitor. Additional licenses are needed to display your menu on multiple screens.

You will not need to repurchase these keys if your plan is active.


Category: Hardware

You do not need a physical television screen or display to get started. You can use your laptop, desktop, smartphone, mobile device, or tablet.

Category: Hardware

No special equipment is required (See our equipment page for recommendations). Most people already have something that will work with our system. All that is needed is a TV/Monitor with and HDMI input and a media player that will run a browser.

Category: Hardware

Mobile TV Menu will work with any screen with an HDMI input. The display should be no smaller than 32″. This will provide for optimal viewing.


Category: Features

An Internet connection is only required during the first time opened on your displays. Standard content such as uploaded images can typically run offline and without a consistent internet connection.

Be advised that any updates done to the menu will not show up until the Internet connection is restored.

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