Service Level Agreement

Last updated on October 3, 2024

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) sets out Mobile TV Menu’s commitment to You in respect of the availability of the Digital Menu Services, as governed by the Terms and Conditions.

1. Service Availability

1.1 Support Services are available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. 

1.2 Mobile TV Menu commits to a 99.99% uptime in a calendar month. Mobile TV Menu measures Service Availability by calculating the difference between the number of minutes in a calendar month and the number of minutes of unplanned downtime and expressing that figure as a percentage.

1.3 Unplanned downtime describes an issue with the Services which prevents You from logging in or accessing the Services. Mobile TV Menu calculates unplanned downtime using its systems and logs.

1.4 Unplanned downtime does not include downtime caused by You using the Services in a manner inconsistent with the Documentation, an issue that results from Your, or a third party’s, equipment, software or services or by other factors outside Mobile TV Menu’s reasonable control including a force majeure event or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

2. Maintenance

2.1 Mobile TV Menu reserves the right to undertake scheduled maintenance during non-core business hours. Scheduled maintenance will not count towards the calculation of a Service Credit. Mobile TV Menu will communicate scheduled maintenance to You with a minimum of two (2) Business Days’ notice in advance of the scheduled maintenance date.

2.2 In exceptional circumstances Mobile TV Menu may be required to undertake unscheduled maintenance. Unscheduled maintenance will count towards the calculation of a service credit.

2.3 Mobile TV Menu will provide notice of a maintenance event in accordance with clause 5 of this SLA.

3. Service Credit

3.1 If Mobile TV Menu does not meet the Service Availability target, Mobile TV Menu shall provide You with, as the sole and exclusive remedy, a Service Credit based on the monthly Subscription Fees. Service Credit will not entitle You to a refund and in no event shall any Service Credit exceed the Subscription Fees paid by You in respect of the Subscription Term to which the Service Credit relates. You shall not be entitled to receive any Service Credits if Your account is past due or otherwise in default.

Monthly Uptime PercentageService Credit Percentage
Less than 99.99% but equal to or greater than 99.0%10%
Less than 99.0% but equal to or greater than 95.0%30%
Less than 95.0%100%

4. Requesting a Service Credit

4.1 In order to receive a Service Credit, You must request a Service Credit within thirty (30) calendar days of the period in which the Service Availability was not met. Claims should be submitted to and You must provide details of the time and date of when the Service Availability was not met and any additional information as reasonably requested by Mobile TV Menu.

5. Notification

5.1 Mobile TV Menu will provide notice as required under clause 2 by (a) email to the registered email address of user’s account and/or (b) notice placed on user’s account immediately after logging into the Platform.

Free trial terms and conditions

By signing up for the Free Trial, you agree to Mobile TV Menu’s Terms and ConditionsPrivacy Policy and the following Free Trial Terms:

  1. The Trial shall last for a period of 30 days following activation
  2. At the end of the 30 days:
    a. you will lose access to your Mobile TV Menu account, and
    b. any data you provide will be deleted unless you upgrade to a paid-for subscription.
  3. Mobile TV Menu reserves the right to amend or discontinue the Trial or make modifications to its Services at any time.

